"""Handles genes coding for node and connection attributes."""
import warnings
from random import random
from neat.attributes import FloatAttribute, BoolAttribute, FuncAttribute
# TODO: There is probably a lot of room for simplification of these classes using metaprogramming.
# TODO: Evaluate using __slots__ for performance/memory usage improvement.
[docs]class BaseGene(object):
Handles functions shared by multiple types of genes (both node and connection),
including crossover and calling mutation methods.
def __init__(self, key):
self.key = key
[docs] def __str__(self):
attrib = ['key'] + [a.name for a in self._gene_attributes]
attrib = ['{0}={1}'.format(a, repr(getattr(self, a))) for a in attrib]
return '{0}({1})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(attrib))
[docs] def __lt__(self, other):
assert isinstance(self.key,type(other.key)), "Cannot compare keys {0!r} and {1!r}".format(
return self.key < other.key
[docs] @classmethod
def parse_config(cls, config, param_dict):
[docs] @classmethod
def get_config_params(cls):
params = []
if not hasattr(cls, '_gene_attributes'):
setattr(cls, '_gene_attributes', getattr(cls, '__gene_attributes__'))
"Class '{!s}' {!r} needs '_gene_attributes' not '__gene_attributes__'".format(
for a in cls._gene_attributes:
params += a.get_config_params()
return params
[docs] def init_attributes(self, config):
for a in self._gene_attributes:
setattr(self, a.name, a.init_value(config))
[docs] def mutate(self, config):
for a in self._gene_attributes:
v = getattr(self, a.name)
setattr(self, a.name, a.mutate_value(v, config))
[docs] def copy(self):
new_gene = self.__class__(self.key)
for a in self._gene_attributes:
value = getattr(self, a.name)
if hasattr(value, 'copy'):
setattr(new_gene, a.name, value.copy())
setattr(new_gene, a.name, value)
return new_gene
def __copy__(self):
return self.copy()
[docs] def crossover(self, gene2):
""" Creates a new gene randomly inheriting attributes from its parents."""
assert self.key == gene2.key
# Note: we use "a if random() > 0.5 else b" instead of choice((a, b))
# here because `choice` is substantially slower.
new_gene = self.__class__(self.key)
for a in self._gene_attributes:
if random() > 0.5:
value = getattr(self, a.name)
if hasattr(value, 'copy'):
setattr(new_gene, a.name, value.copy())
setattr(new_gene, a.name, value)
gene2_attr = getattr(gene2, a.name)
if hasattr(gene2_attr, 'copy'):
setattr(new_gene, a.name, gene2_attr.copy())
setattr(new_gene, a.name, gene2_attr)
return new_gene
# TODO: Should these be in the nn module? iznn and ctrnn can have additional attributes.
[docs]class DefaultNodeGene(BaseGene):
_gene_attributes = [FloatAttribute('bias'),
FuncAttribute('activation', options='sigmoid'),
FuncAttribute('aggregation', options='sum')]
def __init__(self, key):
assert isinstance(key, int), "DefaultNodeGene key must be an int, not {!r}".format(
BaseGene.__init__(self, key)
[docs] def distance(self, other, config):
"""Returns the genetic distance between two node genes."""
d = abs(self.bias - other.bias) + abs(self.response - other.response)
if hasattr(self.activation, 'distance'):
d += self.activation.distance(other.activation)
elif self.activation != other.activation:
d += 1.0
if hasattr(self.aggregation, 'distance'):
d += self.aggregation.distance(other.aggregation)
elif self.aggregation != other.aggregation:
d += 1.0
return d * config.compatibility_weight_coefficient
# TODO: Do an ablation study to determine whether the enabled setting is
# important--presumably mutations that set the weight to near zero could
# provide a similar effect depending on the weight range, mutation rate,
# and aggregation function. (Most obviously, a near-zero weight for the
# `product` aggregation function is rather more important than one giving
# an output of 1 from the connection, for instance!)
[docs]class DefaultConnectionGene(BaseGene):
_gene_attributes = [FloatAttribute('weight'),
def __init__(self, key):
assert isinstance(key, tuple), "DefaultConnectionGene key must be a tuple, not {!r}".format(
BaseGene.__init__(self, key)
[docs] def distance(self, other, config):
"""Returns the genetic distance between two connection genes."""
d = abs(self.weight - other.weight)
if self.enabled != other.enabled:
d += 1.0
return d * config.compatibility_weight_coefficient