Source code for iznn

This module implements a spiking neural network.
Neurons are based on the model described by:

Izhikevich, E. M.
Simple Model of Spiking Neurons

from neat.attributes import FloatAttribute
from neat.genes import BaseGene, DefaultConnectionGene
from neat.genome import DefaultGenomeConfig, DefaultGenome
from neat.graphs import required_for_output
from neat.six_util import itervalues

# a, b, c, d are the parameters of the Izhikevich model.
# a: the time scale of the recovery variable
# b: the sensitivity of the recovery variable
# c: the after-spike reset value of the membrane potential
# d: after-spike reset of the recovery variable
# The following parameter sets produce some known spiking behaviors:
# pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
REGULAR_SPIKING_PARAMS        = {'a': 0.02, 'b': 0.20, 'c': -65.0, 'd': 8.00}
INTRINSICALLY_BURSTING_PARAMS = {'a': 0.02, 'b': 0.20, 'c': -55.0, 'd': 4.00}
CHATTERING_PARAMS             = {'a': 0.02, 'b': 0.20, 'c': -50.0, 'd': 2.00}
FAST_SPIKING_PARAMS           = {'a': 0.10, 'b': 0.20, 'c': -65.0, 'd': 2.00}
THALAMO_CORTICAL_PARAMS       = {'a': 0.02, 'b': 0.25, 'c': -65.0, 'd': 0.05}
RESONATOR_PARAMS              = {'a': 0.10, 'b': 0.25, 'c': -65.0, 'd': 2.00}
LOW_THRESHOLD_SPIKING_PARAMS  = {'a': 0.02, 'b': 0.25, 'c': -65.0, 'd': 2.00}

# TODO: Add mechanisms analogous to axon & dendrite propagation delay.

[docs]class IZNodeGene(BaseGene): """Contains attributes for the iznn node genes and determines genomic distances.""" _gene_attributes = [FloatAttribute('bias'), FloatAttribute('a'), FloatAttribute('b'), FloatAttribute('c'), FloatAttribute('d')]
[docs] def distance(self, other, config): s = abs(self.a - other.a) + abs(self.b - other.b) \ + abs(self.c - other.c) + abs(self.d - other.d) return s * config.compatibility_weight_coefficient
[docs]class IZGenome(DefaultGenome):
[docs] @classmethod def parse_config(cls, param_dict): param_dict['node_gene_type'] = IZNodeGene param_dict['connection_gene_type'] = DefaultConnectionGene return DefaultGenomeConfig(param_dict)
[docs]class IZNeuron(object): """Sets up and simulates the iznn nodes (neurons).""" def __init__(self, bias, a, b, c, d, inputs): """ a, b, c, d are the parameters of the Izhikevich model. :param float bias: The bias of the neuron. :param float a: The time-scale of the recovery variable. :param float b: The sensitivity of the recovery variable. :param float c: The after-spike reset value of the membrane potential. :param float d: The after-spike reset value of the recovery variable. :param inputs: A list of (input key, weight) pairs for incoming connections. :type inputs: list(tuple(int, float)) """ self.a = a self.b = b self.c = c self.d = d self.bias = bias self.inputs = inputs # Membrane potential (millivolts). self.v = self.c # Membrane recovery variable. self.u = self.b * self.v self.fired = 0.0 self.current = self.bias
[docs] def advance(self, dt_msec): """ Advances simulation time by the given time step in milliseconds. v' = 0.04 * v^2 + 5v + 140 - u + I u' = a * (b * v - u) if v >= 30 then v <- c, u <- u + d """ # TODO: Make the time step adjustable, and choose an appropriate # numerical integration method to maintain stability. # TODO: The need to catch overflows indicates that the current method is # not stable for all possible network configurations and states. try: self.v += 0.5 * dt_msec * (0.04 * self.v ** 2 + 5 * self.v + 140 - self.u + self.current) self.v += 0.5 * dt_msec * (0.04 * self.v ** 2 + 5 * self.v + 140 - self.u + self.current) self.u += dt_msec * self.a * (self.b * self.v - self.u) except OverflowError: # Reset without producing a spike. self.v = self.c self.u = self.b * self.v self.fired = 0.0 if self.v > 30.0: # Output spike and reset. self.fired = 1.0 self.v = self.c self.u += self.d
[docs] def reset(self): """Resets all state variables.""" self.v = self.c self.u = self.b * self.v self.fired = 0.0 self.current = self.bias
[docs]class IZNN(object): """Basic iznn network object.""" def __init__(self, neurons, inputs, outputs): self.neurons = neurons self.inputs = inputs self.outputs = outputs self.input_values = {}
[docs] def set_inputs(self, inputs): """Assign input voltages.""" if len(inputs) != len(self.inputs): raise RuntimeError( "Number of inputs {0:d} does not match number of input nodes {1:d}".format( len(inputs),len(self.inputs))) for i, v in zip(self.inputs, inputs): self.input_values[i] = v
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset all neurons to their default state.""" for n in itervalues(self.neurons): n.reset()
[docs] def get_time_step_msec(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use # TODO: Investigate performance or numerical stability issues that may # result from using this hard-coded time step. return 0.05
[docs] def advance(self, dt_msec): for n in itervalues(self.neurons): n.current = n.bias for i, w in n.inputs: ineuron = self.neurons.get(i) if ineuron is not None: ivalue = ineuron.fired else: ivalue = self.input_values[i] n.current += ivalue * w for n in itervalues(self.neurons): n.advance(dt_msec) return [self.neurons[i].fired for i in self.outputs]
[docs] @staticmethod def create(genome, config): """ Receives a genome and returns its phenotype (a neural network). """ genome_config = config.genome_config required = required_for_output(genome_config.input_keys, genome_config.output_keys, genome.connections) # Gather inputs and expressed connections. node_inputs = {} for cg in itervalues(genome.connections): if not cg.enabled: continue i, o = cg.key if o not in required and i not in required: continue if o not in node_inputs: node_inputs[o] = [(i, cg.weight)] else: node_inputs[o].append((i, cg.weight)) neurons = {} for node_key in required: ng = genome.nodes[node_key] inputs = node_inputs.get(node_key, []) neurons[node_key] = IZNeuron(ng.bias, ng.a, ng.b, ng.c, ng.d, inputs) genome_config = config.genome_config return IZNN(neurons, genome_config.input_keys, genome_config.output_keys)