Source code for math_util

"""Commonly used functions not available in the Python2 standard library."""
from __future__ import division

import math
import random

from sys import float_info

NORM_EPSILON = math.pow(float_info.epsilon, 0.25) # half-precision works for machine learning

[docs]def mean(values): values = list(values) return math.fsum(map(float, values)) / len(values)
[docs]def median(values): values = list(values) values.sort() return values[len(values) // 2]
[docs]def median2(values): """ Returns the median of the input values; if there are an even number of inputs, returns the mean of the middle two. """ values = list(values) n = len(values) if n <= 2: return mean(values) values.sort() if (n % 2) == 1: return values[n//2] i = n//2 return (values[i - 1] + values[i])/2.0
[docs]def tmean(values, trim=0.25): """ Returns the trimmed mean of the input values, with the fraction trimmed from each end being the second argument; requires 0.0 <= trim <= 0.5. If ``trim`` is over 0.25, returns the weighted mean of tmean(values, 0.25) and median2(values). """ values = list(values) if (len(values) < 3) or (not trim): return mean(values) elif trim == 0.5: return median2(values) elif not (0.0 < trim < 0.5): raise ValueError( "Trim must be in 0.0 - 0.5 range, not {0!r}".format(trim)) values.sort() if trim > 0.25: # trimming more than 50% of the values does not make much sense prop_trim = (0.5-trim)/0.25 return (prop_trim*tmean(values, 0.25))+((1.0-prop_trim)*median2(values)) orig_len = len(values) trim_fully = int(math.floor(trim*orig_len)) trim_partially = trim*orig_len if trim_fully: values = values[trim_fully:] values = values[:-1*trim_fully] center_values = values if (len(center_values) < 3): return mean(center_values) if (trim_partially > trim_fully): center_values = center_values[1:] center_values = center_values[:-1] curr_sum = math.fsum(map(float,center_values)) div_by = len(center_values) if (trim_partially > trim_fully): curr_sum += values[0]*(trim_partially-trim_fully) curr_sum += values[-1]*(trim_partially-trim_fully) div_by += 2*(trim_partially-trim_fully) return curr_sum/div_by
[docs]def variance(values): values = list(values) m = mean(values) return math.fsum((v - m) ** 2 for v in values) / len(values)
[docs]def stdev(values): return math.sqrt(variance(values))
[docs]def softmax(values): """ Compute the softmax of the given value set, v_i = exp(v_i) / s, where s = sum(exp(v_0), exp(v_1), ..). """ e_values = list(map(math.exp, values)) s = sum(e_values) inv_s = 1.0 / s return [ev * inv_s for ev in e_values]
def random_proportional_selection(freqs, max_freq=None): """Roulette selection - see for analysis""" n = len(freqs) if n == 1: return 0 elif n == 2: chance_first = float(freqs[0])/sum(freqs) if random.random() < chance_first: return 0 return 1 if max_freq is None: max_freq = max(freqs) if max_freq == 1: min_freq = min(freqs) if min_freq == 1: return random.choice(range(n)) max_freq = float(max_freq) while True: i = int(n * random.random()) if random.random() < (freqs[i] / max_freq): return i # Lookup table for commonly used {value} -> value functions. stat_functions = {'min': min, 'max': max, 'mean': mean, 'median': median, 'median2': median2, 'tmean': tmean}